
1029 Teaneck Rd, 2nd Flr
Teaneck, New Jersey
Office (201) 817-2001

Structural Engineering Services

269 Purchase Street Rye New YorkBlueShore Engineering provides efficient and constructible structural designs, from projects as simple as signage in a waterfront park, to an addition on your frame or masonry waterfront home, to heavy steel and concrete construction.

  • Block and Brick Masonry
  • Light Framing and Heavy Timber
  • Structural Steel Frame
  • Conventional, Precast, and Prestressed Concrete
  • Carbon and Glass Fiber Structural Reinforcement
  • Segmental Block, Solid Masonry, Stone or Concrete Retaining Walls

We are experienced in standard building construction, but our expertise is most valuable on coastal projects where we can help define the right materials, protective coatings, and sizes to withstand the severe environmental wind and wave forces, as well as the corrosion and deterioration common to these exposed locations.

Special Structural Inspections

La Marina Restaurant

We perform periodic and continuous Special Structural Inspections in accordance with Chapter 17 of the International Building Code, the basis of the New York State and New York City Building Codes.

  • Masonry
    • Reinforcement and Anchor Placement
    • Grout Placement
  • Steel
    • High Strength Bolting
    • Field Welding
  • Concrete
    • Reinforcement and Anchor Bolt Placement
    • Concrete Placement
  • Timber
    • High-Load Diaphragms
    • Truss Erection
  • Foundation Pile Installation

Structural Investigations

One of the most important methods of sustainable design is finding ways to preserve and re‐use existing structures where possible.  This type of planning preserves not only physical resources, but in many cases historical and cultural resources as well.

Investigation of existing structures to understand their condition must be performed to design repairs for re-use of the structures.  Sometimes the failure mechanisms of even recently built structures can be a complex combination of effects that only careful and detailed investigation can deduce.

From foundation subsidence, to expansive soils, to fatigue-induced fracturing, our experience in design and inspection of coastal projects has shown us the effects of the harshest environments.  Contact us if we can help you to determine how to prevent structural failures before they happen, and reduce the cost of repairs.

Example Projects:

Pier 26 Steel Fabrication

The following are examples of our experience in structural design:

  • 269 Purchase St -Rye, NY
    Structural Design for $1.5M mixed-use development for the developer, Varames Development.  (Developers Website)
  • La Marina Restaurant -Manhattan, NY
    Provided structural engineering design and construction administration for this new restaurant kitchen, bar, dining canopy, and accessory bathroom structure. (Restaurant Website)
  • Marthas Vinyard Residence -Edgartown, MA
    Structural engineering and design drawings for this $4M single-family residence. (Andrew Franz Architect)
  • High Exposure Climbing Gym -Northvale, NJ
    Structural engineering design to elevate the roof of an existing high-bay industrial warehouse building for installation of a rock-climbing gym.(Facebook Page)
  • 2048 Broadway Penthouse Renovation -Manhattan, NY
    Structural engineering design of renovations to this Manhattan high-rise including combining two penthouse floor condos with a new stairway opening, and structural analysis for garden terrace landscaping. (Andrew Franz Architect)
  • Pier 26 Structural Ornamental Fabrications - Manhattan, NY
    Provided building trellis subassembly design engineering for the stainless steel specialty design elements.  Performed as subconsultant to the fabricator Collins and Jewell, for Hudson River Park Trust. (Pier 26 Park Website)
  • Brookhaven Reactor Stack Analysis - Upton, NY
    Structural analysis of demolition activities for this 300' reactor stack, including anchorages and wind loading on the temporary personnel and equipment lift (Reactor Home Page)
  • 4 Colonial Road Residence - Scarsdale, NY
    Structural engineering design for this new $2M single family residence for the developer, Marchese Builders.  (Listing Site)
  • Stone Gravity Retaining Wall - Englewood Cliffs, NJ
    Design and construction administration for 300' stone gravity retaining wall (Construction byDenny Wiggers Landscaping. Photo below).

Stone Gravity Retaining Wall